How Big Are Cot Beds? Cot Mattresses? Duvet Covers?


With baby cribs, there are 2 that are most commonly used. Mini and Standard. Let’s check those out.


The mini-crib measures 24 inches wide by 38 inches long, which is less than a regular-sized crib. If there is limited space in your nursery, this petite size is extremely helpful.


For the majority of parents, a regular-sized crib is their go-to option. Standard cribs are much larger than small cribs, measuring roughly 28 inches by 52 inches.

Cot Mattress

As with baby cribs, cots come out in 2 sizes. Standard and large. A standard cot is roughly 120 x 60 x 15 cm, and a large cot is roughly 140 x 83 x 95 cm.

Moving From Cot To Bed

Most kids go from their cot to their first bed between the ages of two and three.

However, there is no rush. And if your child is content in their cot, there are certain benefits to leaving them there. Your youngster cannot, for instance, tumble out of the cot. Additionally, you can delay for a little while the expense of purchasing a new bed and linens.

It's preferable to hold off till your child is prepared to transition to a bed and is able to do so safely. You may wish to pick when to handle any new sleep issues that occasionally arise with the change to a bed.

Why Children Might Move From Cot To Bed

There are a number of reasons why your child might move from cot to bed. Let’s look at some of those.

  • Since your youngster has started climbing out of the cot, a fall is possible
  • Your child needs to have easy access to the bathroom at night as they are in the process of potty training
  • The crib is required because you just had a baby
  • You've made the decision to transfer your child from your bed to their own bed

Making The Bedroom Safe

Children who transition from a cot to a bed also have an easier time getting out of bed. In their bedrooms, they are free to do whatever they please.

Accidents can be avoided by performing a safety check on the bedroom. Let's explore those.

  • Consider putting a safety barrier in your child's room entryway. Alternatively, if you can hear your child at all times during the night, you can close the door. If not, you must ensure that your child is safe throughout the entire house in case they wake up during the night
  • Utilize powerpoint covers. Make sure that heaters and other electrical devices adhere to Australian safety regulations. Keep heaters and vaporizers out of your child's bedroom at night if they pose a risk to their safety during the day. If your child wakes up during the night, this will help to avoid them from hurting themself
  • Windows should be fitted with safety latches to limit how far they can be opened. Ensure the opening isn't quite so wide that your toddler could climb through it
  • Keep anything that could choke someone or be dangerous out of the bedroom. Such as small things like pennies, small toys, batteries, or oils used for massages
  • Curtains and blind cables should be wrapped around wall-mounted cleats. They will need to be at least 1.6 meters above the ground. Mobiles that hang should be out of your child's reach. Your infant could suffocate from these things

Using A Bedtime Routine To Help The Move From Cot To Bed

Your child could feel anxious about switching to a big bed. A new nighttime ritual could help with the transition:

  • Quiet time prior to going to bed. Toys should be put away, and the bedroom should be set up as a tranquil retreat rather than an exciting location
  • If possible, help your youngster climb into bed. Children may feel more at ease when they can lift their own covers and arrange pillows how they choose
  • Allowing your child to take their favorite blanky from the old cot may make them feel safer and more at ease
  • To help your youngster adjust to the new nighttime routine, consider using a reward chart. Each pre-bedtime activity your youngster completes could earn them a sticker

Tips To Get Your Child Excited For The Transition

  • Tell your kids you're proud of them. After all, getting a bed is a fun step toward becoming an older child
  • Assure your child that setting up the new bed will be enjoyable by explaining all of the ideas in detail
  • Ask your child to assist you with assembling the new bed. Take your kid shopping to select the bed and bedding if it sounds like fun. As you move the bedroom furniture, let your toddler observe. When they have been included in the decision-making process, kids tend to be happy
  • If your child needs to, allow them to make the move to the bed gradually. While your child remains in their cot, you may, for instance, have their new bed prepared in their room. Alternately, begin with daytime naps in bed and nighttime naps in the cot


Why Would Children Move From Cot To Bed?

There is no particular age or period that is advised for removing your baby from its cot. It is advisable to watch for these indicators and follow your baby's lead. They are growing too large to fit in the cot. Your child is too big for their crib if he or she can't lie flat in it or hits themselves against the sides when moving.

When Is The Best Time To Transition To A Bed?

Between the ages of 18 months and 2 years, one-third of toddlers switch to a bed. And a second-third do so between 2 and 2.5 years. In general, between the ages of 18 months and 3 years old, most children transition from a crib to a bed.

Should A Duvet Cover Be Bigger Than The Bed?

Your duvet purchase must suit your bed. Therefore, be sure to get a duvet and cover that are the same size as your mattress.

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